@! Project under construction
create from scratch the visual identity, the NFT, and the communication around the project Invest&co, investment fund in NFT.
Creation of an NFT in augmented reality.
Creation of visuals and 3D texturing Creation of a website and a graphic charter
After having received the needs and desires around the project, we agreed on two axes. The first one is the creation of a 3D animation in loop for the NFT. And the second, the creation of a graphic charter adapted to the web3.
Problem related to the creation :
Learn to use Spark AR Studio,
Automatically trigger the recognition of the NFT
Launch the NFT animation, while keeping the smartphone tracking

The first step was to visually define the universe in which the NFT fits.
Luxury, investment, cards to define a range of textures.
So we chose to create a black card, with metallic reflections.
Here is what the model looks like without textures.

Then we added textures to give a brushed metal effect, and gold reflections depending on the angle of view on the typography.
it was a time issue, because in effect all the video NFT had to have a different number. And because we could not make hundreds of video renderings, a technical solution was found, improving the universe around this product.

At that moment I was looking for a technical way to implement my 3D renderings in an augmented reality universe, while making it interactive without losing too much quality!
That’s when the complex stuff happens ….
Either we use adobe aero but that will limit and create a dependency to Adobe which is not enviable for the final customer. Or use AR by facebook, and make the filter available on instagram. The latter having quite strong constraints vis a vis the size of texture, animation and density of point.

Then began a work of optimization of each octé.
In order to obtain this rendering of NFT.
Here is the visual of the NFT as of April 30, the project being still in progress, (the web part) this post is sucéprible of evolved

Creation of the logo based on the 3 parts of the project symbolized by 3 cards in perspective