New dashboard on mobile app
Create a new dashboard on mobile app that is more relevant to the needs of learners. While adding more relevant statistics.
A completely revised UI, statistics pushed forward and the highlighting of the chatbot assistant “LIA”. As well as quick access to the community, the goals and the trainings of the learner.
Starting with the research, study and understanding of the user’s needs, their functioning and organization, and applying this knowledge to the new interface.

Organize the learner’s training sessions, and display only the most relevant data. The dashboard is renamed to “my activity”. This allows us to display information such as assessments to complete, trainings not started.
But also the upcoming sessions, the training paths, and the most relevant trainings. As well as an assistance via chatbot allowing the learner to get information that was previously not accessible on mobile.

My objectives
The learner can now access his training objectives from the mobile application, via a gamified interface by clicking on the icon

Lia is a chatbot created to support the user’s experience. It provides a complementary experience.

Lia allows you to set up reminders to the learner that will be automatically pushed to the learner’s smartphone one day before, and one hour before the session. By clicking on the notification, the learner will be redirected to the course in question.

It was complicated for the learner to find his certificates from mobile, now it is possible to obtain and download them using lia at any time.